Terms and Conditions



Titan Sport International is an independent company legally constituted in accordance with the laws of the United States of America, and its purpose includes, among other things, the purchase, sale, promotion, and distribution of tickets for all kinds of concerts, cultural events, sporting events, artistic events, special events, and more.


Titan Sport International secondary markets. As a result, the prices of our tickets are usually above average cost, as the pricing of our tickets directly reflects the economic effects of the law of supply and demand.


Titan Sport International , as part of its event promotion policy, may, in applicable cases, conditions, and events, offer its tickets below average cost.


The terms of use to which all users of our website https://titantickets.international/ are subject and obligated are as follows:


By using or visiting our website https://titantickets.international/ (hereinafter "the Site"), you as a user of our services expressly agree to and are bound to comply with all the terms and conditions of use of the Site.


As a user, you are obligated to comply with all applicable laws and regulations for the use of the Site.


As a user, you assume all risks associated with the use of this Site.


Titan Sport International  reserves the exclusive right to reform, delete, revoke, add, amend, or otherwise modify the terms and conditions of use of the Site, without incurring any liability to Titan Sport International .


The terms and conditions of the Site are binding on all users of the Site.


Titan Sport International expressly reserves the right to present any claim, complaint, and/or legal action that may be appropriate, directly or indirectly, against users or third parties for violation of the terms and conditions of use of the Site.


Titan Sport International  expressly reserves the right to exclude any of its users from using its website https://titantickets.international/, for violation of the usage, legal, or administrative provisions of the Site, and in such case, Titan Sport International  may unilaterally and without judicial declaration, terminate any contract and/or agreement with the user, as well as cancel previously issued tickets and/or take legal actions deemed appropriate to protect the interests of Titan Sport International , any of its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, employers, employees, or third parties.


The user of the Site may not under any circumstances duplicate, download, publish, modify, or distribute in any way the content of the Site.


The user of the Site is authorized solely and exclusively to review events, dates, prices, locations, and advertising information for the purchase of tickets or merchandise advertised on the website https://titantickets.international/.


Any illegal or unauthorized use of this Site constitutes a violation of the permissible conditions of use for users, and Titan Sport International  reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against the user to repair the damage and/or harm caused.


The use of the Site is strictly personal, and the user assumes all responsibility regarding its use.


The content and software of the Site are the property of Titan Sport International  and are protected by national and international copyright laws and other relevant and applicable laws.


It is the user's obligation to carefully review: (i) the purchase conditions, (ii) privacy conditions, and (iii) conditions of use of the Site, which govern each and every transaction made on the Site.


The user unequivocally declares that all information provided is true.


The user is solely responsible for the use and visit of the Site, and thus expressly and irrevocably releases Titan Sport International  from any liability of a civil, criminal, labor, commercial, administrative, fiscal, or any other nature arising from the direct or indirect use of the Site.


Titan Sport International declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International is not responsible for any errors (of any kind) published on the Site.


Titan Sport International declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International  is not responsible for system interruptions.


Titan Sport International  declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that all tickets and services offered on the Site are delivered by Titan Sport International  "as is" and "as available".


Titan Sport International  declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International  is free from all warranty liability, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Titan Sport International  declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International  is not responsible for any damage and/or harm arising or that may arise as a direct or indirect consequence of the use of this Site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.


Titan Sport International declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International  does not guarantee any specific result from the use of this Site or the use of the services provided by Titan Sport International.


Titan Sport International  declares, and the user accepts and agrees, that Titan Sport International is free from all liability for any act, omission, and/or conduct by any user, third parties, advertisers, and/or sponsors of the Site.


Titan Sport International is not responsible for the products, services, actions, or lack of action of any venue, artist, promoter, or any third party in connection with the Site or referenced on the Site.


Under no circumstances will Titan Sport International be responsible for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, or for the loss of profits, revenue, or business opportunities, even if Titan Sport International  has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Any dispute or controversy involving an event and/or the purchase, sale, promotion, and/or distribution of tickets or any dispute related to this Site will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the applicable laws and jurisdiction in the State of California, without regard to any conflict of law principles. The user agrees that any legal action or equity action arising from or relating to the aforementioned terms will be filed only in the state or federal courts located in Los Angeles County, State of California, and the user expressly consents and submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any action.


By this act, the user expressly and irrevocably declares their will to release Titan Sport International, its subsidiaries, directors, officers, managers, agents, employees, contractors, and principal subsidiaries of Titan Sport International, present or future, from any liability of a civil, criminal, labor, administrative, commercial, fiscal, or any other nature, arising from any loss, claim, demand, obligation, or claim, including reasonable attorney fees, directly or indirectly presented by the user or any third party, arising from the use of this Site, including but not limited to the use of the Site to provide a link to another website or to upload or download content or any other information to the Site.


Titan Sport International has no control or legal obligation over the conditions of the venues, locations, or establishments where events are held. The owner of the venue, location, or establishment, or the event promoter, must always comply with the respective safety laws and regulations. Therefore, Titan Sport International, its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, agents, employees, contractors, and principal subsidiaries will not be responsible for any injury, damage, or harm caused by the failure to comply with the legal requirements and applicable laws for such purposes.


Titan Sport International is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.





Titan Sport International es una empresa independiente legalmente constituida conforme a las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América y tiene por objeto, entre otros, la compra, venta, promoción y distribución de boletos para todo tipo de conciertos, eventos culturales, deportivos, artísticos, eventos especiales, entre otros.


Titan Sport International es un distribuidor independiente que compra y vende boletos tanto en el mercado primario como en el mercado secundario, como resultado de ello, los precios de nuestros boletos normalmente se encuentran por encima del costo promedio, toda vez que la policitación de nuestros boletos refleja en forma directa los efectos económicos de la ley de la oferta y la demanda.


Titan Sport International, como parte de su política de promoción de eventos, podrá, en los casos, condiciones y eventos en que sea aplicable, ofertar sus boletos por debajo del costo promedio.


Las condiciones de uso a las que se sujetan y obligan todos y cada uno de los usuarios de nuestra página de internet https://titantickets.international/  son las siguientes:


Al usar o visitar nuestra página de internet https://titantickets.international/ (en lo sucesivo “el Sitio”), tú como usuario de nuestros servicios, de forma expresa manifiestas tu conformidad y te obligas a cumplir con todos y cada uno de los términos y condiciones de uso del Sitio.


En tu carácter de usuario te obligas a cumplir con todas y cada una de las leyes y reglamentos vigentes y aplicables para el uso del Sitio.


En tu carácter de usuario, en este acto, asumes todos y cada uno de los riesgos por el uso de este Sitio.


Titan Sport International se reserva el uso exclusivo de reformar, suprimir, revocar, añadir, enmendar o por cualquier medio modificar los términos y condiciones de uso del Sitio, sin que ello implique responsabilidad alguna para Titan Sport International.


Los términos y condiciones del Sitio son obligatorios para todos los usuarios del Sitio.


Titan Sport International se reserva de manera expresa el derecho de presentar cualquier reclamación, queja y/o acción legal que resulte procedente, en forma directa o indirecta, en contra de los usuarios o terceras personas por violación a los términos y condiciones de uso del Sitio.


Titan Sport International se reserva de manera expresa el derecho de excluir a cualquiera de sus usuarios del uso de su página de internet https://titantickets.international/, por violación a las disposiciones de uso, legales o administrativas del Sitio y en su caso,Titan Sport International podrá de forma unilateral y sin necesidad de declaración judicial alguna, rescindir cualquier contrato y/o acuerdo que tenga con el usuario, así como, en su caso, cancelar los boletos expedidos con anterioridad y/o tomar las acciones legales que juzgue conveniente para proteger los intereses de Titan Sport International, cualquiera de sus socios, afiliados, subsidiarias, empleadores, empleados o terceros.


El usuario del Sitio no podrá bajo ninguna circunstancia duplicar, descargar, publicar, modificar o distribuir en forma alguna el contenido del Sitio.


El usuario del Sitio está autorizado única y exclusivamente para revisar eventos, fechas, precios, locaciones e información de publicidad para la compra de boletos o mercancía publicitada en la página de internet https://titantickets.international/.


Cualquier uso ilegal o no autorizado de este Sitio constituye una violación a las condiciones de uso permitidas a los usuarios, por lo que Titan Sport International  se reserva el derecho de ejercitar las acciones legales que resulten procedentes en contra del usuario, para reparar el daño y/o perjuicio que este último haya causado.


El uso del Sitio es personalísimo, por lo que el usuario asume toda la responsabilidad respecto a su uso.


El contenido y software del Sitio es propiedad de Titan Sport International y está protegido por las leyes nacionales e internacionales de derechos de autor y demás relativas y aplicables al mismo.


Es obligación del usuario revisar cuidadosamente: (i) las condiciones de compra, (ii) condiciones de privacidad y (iii) condiciones de uso del Sitio, respectivamente, las cuales rigen todas y cada una de las transacciones realizadas en el Sitio.


El usuario manifiesta de forma inequívoca que toda la información proporcionada por este último es verdadera.


El usuario es el único responsable por el uso y visita del Sitio, por lo que en este acto, libera en forma expresa e irrevocable a Titan Sport International  de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad de carácter civil, penal, laboral, mercantil, administrativa, fiscal o de cualquier otra índole por el uso directo o indirecto del Sitio.


Titan Sport International